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October 02 until October 24, 2025


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Your heart and your eyes are deeply connected to the world and its diversity. In October, you embrace this Montréal celebration where meet the possible and the impossible in the spotlight, and you vibrate to the moving rhythms of a host of different genres and talents! Performances, poetry, theatre, music, the Fall colours can go to hell, your multicoloured show is right here. That's Festival Phenomena!



All You Need To Know

About the Phenomena

Created in 2012 by D. Kimm and Les Filles électriques (LFÉ), Phénomena is an interdisciplinary and bilingual festival offering a platform to unclassifiable, atypical and avant-garde artists, both emerging and recognized. Phénomena is dedicated to new formats and presents cabarets (DADA, QUEER, poetic or transdisciplinary), imaginative and theatrical performances, shows with projections and cool happenings. The festival also offers parades and unusual and unifying installations and outdoor events such as the Phenomenal Parade. Phenomena is known for its commitment to culturally diverse talents, whether they are aboriginal, multiethnic, LGBTQ+ or people living with a disability. Thus, the event has a Diversity Commissioner and works with deaf artists. The festival's playful and extravagant productions reach an eclectic and multigenerational audience since it promotes an intimate and collaborative encounter with the public. Phénomena has taken over the Festival Voix d'Amériques which was highly successful from 2002 to 2011.

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